Monday, May 31, 2010


It's Memorial Day....Time to remember the ones who fought for us, for our free country.

My grandfather Ericson (my mom's dad) was in World War I, a cook on the USS Florida.  My uncles Karl and Alan were in Korea.  And that's about all I know who were in the military in my family.  In Scott's - whew.  His father was in the Navy, his aunts and uncles and cousins.  Many of them were and still are in the military.  God bless them all.  It takes a lot of courage.

Scott's Aunt Annie is recovering from Friday's surgery.  Scott and I talked to her yesterday.  Not too long because she tires easily.  It was so good to hear her voice.  She has her morphine, they took out the catheter yesterday, and she went to the bathroom by herself.  She's taking it day by day, which is what we all should do.  Live each day.  Easily said, hard to do.

Scott's Uncle Donald goes for his appointment tomorrow, so naturally Scott and I are worried about that.  It's hard when the ones you care about are so far away.  Scott's hoping that he gets the week in August off so we can go see them and do some things for them.


It's been a quiet weekend at the Noon/Wolfe household.  Quiet is good.  Today Scotty's cooking on the grill and then who knows what.  And I was good....Woolworks yarn store in Putnam has a HUGE sale going on for their 5 year anniversary under the current ownership.  And I didn't go.  It's hard, but I didn't go.  Scott said I could, but I said no.  (It's hard to say no, isn't it?)


Happy Memorial Day and remember....

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