Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Springy Saturday....

Oh, what a beautiful day out there.  It's perfect, I think.

Scott and I did go to Alan Jackson's "Freight Train" concert last night at Mohegan Sun.  It was awesome!  Chris Young came on first, then my guy, Josh Turner, came on.  Then Alan came on.  Scott really enjoyed Alan.  I've seen Alan in concert a few times in Tennessee when I went to the Nashville Fan Fair quite a few years ago.  But I'd seen Josh!!!!!  ; )

It was a 3 hour show.  Chris played a half hour; Josh - an hour; and Alan - an hour and a half.  We got there around 3 in the afternoon (show started at 7) and walked around and then ate at "Johnny Rockets".  Didn't play any slots though.  I didn't want to and Scott didn't either.  And there were alot of slot machines that were not being played.  A lot of them at the card tables though.  I would not do any good at that; I only know how to play rummy (and I think I'm using my own rules, not the rules that I'm supposed to use.).

But I'm glad we went.  Our seats were waaaaay up the top of the arena, so it was very, very far down.  But I managed.  But if there's a next time there, I'll pay the higher price to get closer seats to the ground.

I finally starting to feel a little better.  All my bloodwork came back okay, except for the Lyme disease.  There's no answer on that one.  So, I will call and pester them on Monday.  I do not want to feel sick like that again.  That was (*ll.

So for the rest of the weekend, just take it easy.  I feel like doing things outside, but I know I'll overdo it.  And missing one week of work was bad enough.

Take a chance to enjoy this gorgeous day.

I know you've been waiting for some Yankee wisdom!  So here we go.....
"When butterflies come early in the season, they mean fair weather."

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