Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A tragedy in West Virginia...

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the miners in the tragic mine explosion in West Virginia.

I never knew too much about West Virginia until I started dating Scott. His father's family is from Morgantown, W.V. The first year we were dating (2008), I went with him to meet some of his family and his Grandmother Wolfe in Morgantown. I was also dealing with my anxiety at that time too. When we left, I was a wreck...but I started calming down when we got to Middletown, CT. Well, then I fell asleep for a while (I always fall asleep when I'm a passenger...I'm like a bobble head figurine with my head going every which way!) New York and Pennsylvania weren't bad. Then there's Maryland. I didn't realize there were MOUNTAINS too! And we had to travel through those HIGH mountains. I'm sure Scott mentioned it, but to actually see them (did I mention they were very HIGH mountains???) was quite frightening (to me anyways).

Needless to say, I survived. And then I fell in love with West Virginia. It's totally different than CT. I love CT because it's my home, but there's something about West Virginia. And the people seem friendlier there too.

At least I knew what to expect the second time we went down. Yes, those were BIG mountains, but they didn't seem as frightening though. I felt like I was heading home. Now I understand why Scott loves it so much.

I don't know if we're going to go to West Virginia this year....his grandmother Wolfe passed away last year in July (bless her soul) and he went down mostly to be there for her birthday in April. She always knew him when he came to see her at the nursing home. You could see how happy she was.

I know my dad would have loved West Virginia too. I miss him so much, but I know he's watching over my mom and me.

I guess you could say this is a melancholy posting...sorry. But I feel better, somewhat.

I'll try to write about something happier next time.

Oh, I just thought of something!...Tomorrow's my last day of work for a week and a day! That's GREAT news! Silly me...



  1. West Virginia gets a bad rap. It's really the prettiest part of the country. If I were a millionare I'd buy a hundred acres and build a house somewhere in WV.
    Have a wonderful vacation! Have big fun! I'd be jealous, except I'm still out for a while longer.

  2. Thanks Jan...Glad to see that your foot is getting better. I know Scott would love to move down to WV, but there's not many jobs there (any where for that matter). His uncle already offered us some land there, but....maybe someday.

    It's going to be a stay home vacation I think. Maybe a day trip here or there. Just nice to have a slower mode for a change. Lucky you though to be out longer (not that your bad foot was the way to go.)
